Big overnight curls hair tutorial

So I’m definitely not a hair guru of any styling. But I did come upon one technique that I just think gives the best curls ever. It’s so easy, and I wanted to share the technique. So I made a video on it and here it is!

I think this technique is called Bantu knots but I’m not sure. It’s really the easiest thing you can do, though yes, it’s a little time consuming, but really not very much. If you have fine hair, I think you’ll especially like this technique because it really gives such volume. My hair is fine, but I have a lot of it, and it holds a curl very well, so for me, this hair lasts about 3 days. Bit of dry shampoo each morning, and voila, that’s all I need to do with it. Granted, it is very big hair, so I’m not always in the mood for it. It’s hard to get over just how much hair I have when I do this style. Need to get used to it. Maybe I’ll wear it every day for a month and really get used to it 🙂
Anyway, let me know if you try it!

~ Ciara